Home Health Early Symptoms Of Sinus Infection, Its Prevention, And Treatment

Early Symptoms Of Sinus Infection, Its Prevention, And Treatment


As the weather gets chillier and the flu season begins, there are a number of symptoms we experience that can often be confused for a simple cold or the common flu. However, in reality, these same symptoms can actually be a sign of a sinus infection, also known as sinusitis. 

While some sinusitis symptoms can be mild, and disappear in a few days or weeks, others can be much more intense and require medical attention and professional treatment.

That is why, in order to ensure that you and your family members can stay safer and healthier, we take a closer look at how you can recognize sinusitis symptoms, what to do to prevent it, and how to seek treatment if and when required.

Early Symptoms of Sinus Infections

If you are experiencing signs of a sinus infection, but aren’t entirely certain of what that might entail, here are the most common sinusitis symptoms to look out for:


  • Sinus Headaches and Other Pains: If there is considerable swelling in your sinuses, it can create pressure and cause pain in your head, as well as other regions near your ear, jaw, cheek, and even dental pain. 
  • Nasal Congestion: Swelling in your sinuses can also lead to blockages in your nasal and respiratory passages, thereby making it difficult for you to breathe. 
  • Nasal Discharge: On the other hand, sinusitis symptoms can also show up in the form of nasal discharge, caused by the infection in your sinuses. This discharge can also lead to other throat-related sinusitis symptoms, such as sore throat, as well as throat irritation and itchiness. 
  • Other Symptoms: While these are the most common sinusitis symptoms experienced by people, other symptoms differ from person to person. This includes fever, hoarseness of voice, cough, swelling of the face, eye pain, and fatigue.

How to Prevent Sinus Infections

Sinus infections are one of the most common forms of infections that can affect people of all ages, and at various stages of their lives. However, that is not to say that sinus infections are unavoidable. By following these few simple steps, you can greatly reduce your chances of developing sinusitis:

  • Maintain a habit of washing your hands regularly, particularly before eating a meal or touching your face, and especially during the flu season. 
  • Sinusitis symptoms can also develop because of chemical irritation, or being exposed to something you are allergic to. So, take extra precautions against known irritants to your sinus system. 
  • Tobacco smoke has been directly linked with increased chances of developing sinusitis. So, if you smoke cigarettes, consider quitting the habit for good. On the other hand, if you are not a smoker and are frequently exposed to cigarette smoke, take extra precautions to avoid exposure.

Treatments for Sinusitis

Most sinusitis symptoms are easy to manage and based on the severity of the sinus infection, can be treated with the right medication and care within a short period of time.

Several mild forms of sinus infections can be handled by your family doctor or general physician. These forms of treatments typically require basic medication and brief uses of nasal decongestant spray to clear up the congested sinus passages.

However, more severe or chronic forms of sinusitis should be treated by an ENT (Ear, Nose, and Throat) specialist. These forms of treatments can take a longer amount of time, and require a schedule of antibiotics, nasal irrigation, and in some cases, surgery.

In any case, sinus infections and the resulting medication requirements can lead to a considerable medical bill.  This becomes even more expensive in case specialized treatments are required. However, with the Bajaj Finserv Health EMI Card, a convenient method of payment for health services, these challenges can be easily overcome. With this health card, you can simply avail of treatments for sinusitis, as well as a host of other medical requirements and payback in easy EMIs over your choice of the tenor.